Press Release
Battery Innovation Days 2023: Shaping the Future of Battery R&I in Bordeaux!
Bordeaux, 28.08.2023 The third edition of the Battery Innovation Days (BID), a must-attend event discussing the future of battery R&I in Europe, is set to take place on 14-15 November 2023 in Bordeaux, France. BID will create synergies between European and regional players within the battery world.
“To create a competitive European battery value chain, all stakeholders need to come together and boost our innovation ecosystem. This is why we invite everyone to join the BIDs in Bordeaux. The choice of location shows that we are looking outside of the Brussels bubble, and want to establish direct links to the national and regional efforts.” Said Wouter IJzermans Executive Director, Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA)
The Battery Innovation Days will serve as a premier platform for dialogue among the research community, policy makers, industry players, and end-users. The event will see discussions on the deployment of cutting-edge technologies in battery materials, cell design, manufacturing, and battery recycling.
This third edition will be hosted by the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region, which is why the event is set to take place in Bordeaux. With its high-level R&D structures, a vibrant ecosystem of technology research players and a focus on eco-responsibility, Nouvelle Aquitaine has firmly established itself as a major hub for battery innovation in Europe.
By convening experts and stakeholders from across Europe to Bordeaux, this event aims at creating synergies and encouraging collaborations between the European and regional level. To facilitate the seamless exchange of ideas, it will offer numerous networking opportunities, including a cocktail event and dinner, a site-visit and exhibitions booths.
The event will showcase a diverse array of exhibitors, ranging from Nouvelle Aquitaine Region and its regional partners to EU-level initiatives such as Batteries Europe, Battery 2030+ and the Batteries European Partnership Association, in partnership with the Batteries 1st and 2nd IPCEIs. The exhibitor list includes international players like Blue Solutions, Logitech, Manz, Nikon, Solvay, Umicore, Volteo, Waygate Technologies, and EU projects like CoFBat and HEROES.
BID is set to conclude on 15 November 2023 with an exclusive site visit at ACC regional R&D Center. This Expertise Center will provide a unique glimpse into its laboratories demonstrating how battery prototypes are conceived and refined.
With a strategic blend of regional, European and international players, this event promises an enlightening convergence of expertise.
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Press Contact:
Virginia Petetti: BID Media Relations
Email: v.petetti@clerens.eu