Press Release
Joint Press release Batteries Europe and Battery 2030+ Reveal Innovative R&I Roadmap Paving the Way for Battery Technology’s Future
[Brussels, 26 September 2023] — Batteries Europe, the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Batteries and Battery 2030+, the large-scale and long-term European research initiative for batteries, are proud to announce the release of their highly anticipated Research and Innovation (R&I) Roadmaps. The Roadmaps published by Batteries Europe and Battery 2030+ are foundational for the European battery sector and show what direction we need to go to deliver on the promise of creating a competitive battery value chain in Europe.
The Batteries Europe R&I Roadmap offers a detailed view of ongoing plans and requirements to propel the development of the entire battery value chain. It provides an insightful overview of the core research areas identified for further exploration by the expert battery research community. The roadmap’s vision sections encompass key European Union (EU) initiatives within the battery ecosystem, defining strategic objectives. It also emphasizes the urgency of bolstering education and skills development to drive research and industry development in battery-related fields.
As technology evolves, adaptability becomes essential. Batteries Europe’s R&I Roadmap identifies key areas requiring adaptation in both mid and long-term horizons. It meticulously outlines the necessary measures to address the escalating demand for batteries, central to our sustainable energy future.
The Battery 2030+ Roadmap, on the other hand, focuses on the long-term research directions. It outlines research actions aiming at revolutionising battery technology for real-world applications as part of a European effort to establish battery cell manufacturing. It focuses on a chemistry enabling approach to surpass performance targets set in the European Commission’s SET Plan. Battery 2030+ impacts various battery types, including lithium-based, post-lithium, solid-state, silicon, sodium, and future chemistries. This version integrates recent global battery research developments and updates goals based on progress made by the six Battery 2030+ projects over three years. The roadmap, with its six research areas, forms the foundation for achieving energy storage objectives in the European Green Deal.
We want to thank all European battery experts who have come together and worked on these Roadmaps. Both documents will inform the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) that is underpinning the BATT4EU Partnership and which will be published later this year. This SRIA will focus more on which research topics are strategically important for Europe and are deserving of funding under the Horizon Europe programme.
Batteries Europe and Battery 2030+ remain committed to supporting the entire battery value chain through holistic approaches. Future Roadmaps and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will track technology developments and identify further R&I actions. Success in these endeavours promises a cleaner environment, reduced carbon emissions, and sustainable employment opportunities in Europe’s battery sector.
Click below to read both documents:
Batteries Europe Research and Innovation Roadmap 2023
Battery 2030+ Science and Innovation Roadmap
For media inquiries, please contact:
Adeola Adeoti (Batteries Europe): a.adeoti@clerens.eu
Kajsa Saykali (Battery 2030+): kajsa.saykali@kemi.uu.se
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