Workstream Bodies
National and Regional Coordinators Group
The National and Regional Coordinators Group (NRCG) gathers Member State and Associated Countries representatives coming from national and regional authorities in charge of research, innovation, education, climate action and, energy. The group provides room for the exchange of best practices between the Member States and regions, allowing for the establishment of synergies in the field of battery research and innovation funding.
Batteries Europe (in coordination with BATT4EU Partnership) is consolidating the establishment of continuous and bilateral communication channels with the NRCG. From one side, NRCG will contribute to the work of the Batteries Europe Secretariat by voicing the views and expressing recommendations from the Member States and Associated Countries, regional authorities and national initiatives. For instance, the NRCG will support the annual reporting process of the SET Plan on behalf of the Implementation Working Group on batteries, by identifying strategic projects supported by national and/or regional funding schemes.
From the other, Batteries Europe will regularly transmit its strategic outputs (such as Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and Roadmap) allowing the NRCG to provide inputs to respective national programme owners, projects managers and/or funding agencies’ programmes, having a crucial role on the alignment of national R&I agendas.
The collaboration between Batteries Europe and the NRCG will be delineated in a commonly agreed Terms of Reference document and will be defined on a yearly basis.