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Join Batteries Europe and contribute to the strategic direction of European R&I policy on batteries

Batteries Europe is composed of integrated Working Groups and Task Forces on cross-cutting topics for experts from the entire battery value chain. We create technology roadmaps, position papers, reporting methodologies and quantify current Key Performance Indicators. Along with BEPA, the Batteries European Partnership Association, we create the European Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for battery technology.

The Integrated Working Groups are open to experts and are the fora for discussion to provide feedback on the R&I roadmap and implementation plans to the Secretariat team. These six Working Groups correspond to six distinct R&I areas that are key to achieving a competitive, sustainable European battery industrial manufacturing capability and enabling zero-emission mobility and renewable energy storage integration. Together, these groups shall cover all segments of the battery value chain. These six areas are:

– New and emerging battery technologies
– Raw materials and recycling
– Advanced materials
– Cell design and manufacturing
– Application and integration: Mobile
– Application and integration: Stationary

The Cross Cutting Task Forces are open to experts and have the goal to address key challenges of cross-cutting topics and contribute to the strategic documents of Batteries Europe, in close cooperation with the Working Groups. The Cross-Cutting Task Forces will support the industry by providing support and consultation on crucial topics across the battery value chain. They will focus on topics that span from education and skills to safety and sustainability, digitalisation, hybridisation, innovation uptake, but also exploring the social implications and acceptance of batteries. They will be continuously assessing and evaluating the state-of-the-art solutions and trends in these domains, identifying the benefits their further development can bring to the European battery value chain. The Task Forces are the following:
– Digitalisation
– Education and Skills
– Sustainability
– Safety
– Social Science and Humanities
– Standardisation and Hybridisation
– Innovation Uptake

By joining the Batteries Europe community, stakeholders will have the opportunity to promote their ideas on battery research and innovation, extend their network and meet key players in the battery sector, contributing also to shaping the strategic direction of European research and innovation policy on batteries. Join us!

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